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2017년 춘계학술대회

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일17-12-01 09:32 조회1,291회 댓글0건




주제 : Global Health & Health Inequality

일정 : 2017523(화) 09:00-17:00

장소 : 전남대학교 명학회관 대강당


세부 강의주제


  Population health and health inequality and determinants of health

  Hae-Ok Lee RN,MA, PhD, FAAN

  Professor, University of Massachusetts

  College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Boston, USA

  Behavioral theories for population health

  : apllicaton of behavior change theories to reduce health inequality

 Hae-Ok Lee RN,MA, PhD, FAAN 

  Professor, University of Massachusetts

  College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Boston, USA

  Key Indicators of Health Equity and Strategies for Reducing Health Disparity in National Health Plan

  Soong-nang Jang RN, MPH, PhD

  Professor, Chung-Ang University, 

  Red Cross College of Nursing

  Residents’ health inequalities in China : the status and challenge focusing on 

  Region & Gender

  Jin Meixiang RN, MSN, Doctoral Candidate

  Lecturer, YanBian University of Science&Technology

  Department of Nursing, YanBian, China

  Culturally embedded risk factors for Cambodian husband-wife HIV transmission

  : From women’s point of view

  Youngran Yang RN, MPH, PhD

  Assistant Professor , Chonbuk National University, 

  College of Nursing

  Association between socioeconomic status and hepatitis C prevalence 

  among community-dwelling adults

  Hye-Ran Ahn RN, MPH, PhD

  Assistant Professor, Nambu University, 

  Department of Nursing


이용약관 개인정보취급방침
광주광역시 동구 백서로 160 전남대학교 학동캠퍼스 간호대학 간호과학연구소 TEL : 062-530-4939
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